čtvrtek 30. dubna 2009

Getting Social: Why SEOs Should Care About Social Media

Why should SEOs care about social media?

Put simply you should care because the search engines do.

The end.

Just kidding, but if that was the entirety of my post that would be enough.

Social media represents many things to search engines. Voting and engagement points are feeding critical user data to the engines via their toolbars and browsers. The UGC created by social media makes up a huge component of the interlinking web, and has provided some of the engines largest spam problems. And if all of this was not enough, Twitter, a platform initially designed for inner-office communication, is posing the realest threat to Google’s strong hold on search.


No SEO worth anything is going to argue against the importance links in ranking.
Social media offers the greatest opportunity for massive quality link acquisition since the penalization of paid links.

Getting Social: Why SEOs Should Care About Social Media

čtvrtek 19. března 2009

Twitter: Twitter, the Most Important Website Since Google?

I will be the first to admit while it didn’t take me a long time to sign up and start networking with friends on Twitter, it has taken me a long time to understand the true power of the website. When I first started using it I saw it as a networking and communication tool. The more I come to use it and the more I watch people from all walks of life using it I am starting to see why Twitter may possibly be the most important website since Google. To help you understand my logic I want to start with some thoughts on Google.

I think it is safe to say most everyone believes Google is currently the most important website on the internet. When I say important I mean the one that has effected how we use the internet the most thus far. Before it came out we were all satisfied with Yahoo, DogPile and other engines and then Google came a long and it got some grass roots buzz, it was the cool new minimalistic search engine that had surprisingly good results with a clean interface. Soon everyone that was savvy enough to know they could choose the search engine they retrieved info from, chose Google. Google didn’t enhance search, Google popularized search. Yes search was around before Google but people didn’t stop using the Yellow Pages and the Phone book and every other method of finding information until Google.

Twitter, the Most Important Website Since Google?

sobota 7. února 2009

10 SEO Tips (from ezau.com)

It is not hard to be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to getting search engine traffic because there is so much out of date information being circulated.

That is why it is always best to also learn many other traffic generation methods like viral marketing for example.

Not only is there out of date or invalid SEO advice getting around, there is also information which if acted upon, can result in your pages being banned.

The SEO tips below should assist the reader in forming a basic understanding of how to create human friendly web pages which are easily understood by the most popular search engines.

Top 25 SEO Blogs

Top 25 SEO Blogs

The Top 25 SEO Blogs list, instead, ranks the blogs according to their Google Pagerank, Alexa rank, number of Bloglines subscribers and Technorati authority. Each factor has a score from 0 to 10, and the maximum score for each blog is 40. Details about the algorithm can be found below the table.

SEO: How Online Marketing Works

Some people think that Google will send them a lot of traffic, and if only they had that traffic, they would make a lot of money. But it is usually the other way around. Search engines follow people! So rather than waiting for Google to roll out the red carpet for you, it is best to start making connections. SEO is an ongoing process.

Which means to capture lasting Google rankings, you have to be where the people are. Some connections can be bought, but only some limited number before the investment strategy grows risky. And established market players likely have a bigger budget, a higher customer value, and more cashflow than a person just starting out does. Outspending is a very expensive way to try to catch up.

čtvrtek 5. února 2009

SEO Tactics: How to Search Engine Optimize a sales page?

You know those one page sales pitches, with big fonts and a boat load of tempting offers to buy that product ?

Of course, we all hate them, the one page “too good to be true” offers, but it’s a fact that they are money makers in disguise. In fact, they make a lot of money for the owners that they are considered the best effective tool to sell anything on the internet.

SEO Tactics: "Borrowing" Content: How The Little Guy Can Fight Back

The problem: big publishers "borrowing" stories from smaller publishers, redrafting them, and republishing them. Because the bigger publisher has greater domain authority, "their" story achieves higher rank.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - I.

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:

•Review of your site content or structure
•Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
•Content development
•Management of online business development campaigns
•Keyword research
•SEO training
•Expertise in specific markets and geographies.

čtvrtek 15. ledna 2009

Top 7 SEO blogs by Daily Blog Tips

Top 7 SEO blogs by http://www.dailyblogtips.com/:

Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog - Bruce is an old name in the industry. His blog is a great resource for SEO news and tips in general. What keeps me coming back, though, are the hilarious in-post comment wars he has with Susan. Think we could do something like that, Daniel?

Marketing Pilgrim - Andy Beal’s got some great material on a variety of different marketing-related topics, including a lot of articles on SEO and blogging.

Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO - There’s nothing quite like getting news straight from the source. Matt works for Google. He’s a great read to begin with, but you just can’t beat his blog for authority when it comes to the internet’s #1 search engine.

Search Engine Land - Although the blog itself has only been around for a few months, Danny Sullivan has been an SEO bigwig for much longer.

Search Engine Roundtable - If you want to stay abreast of conversations on the hottest SEO discussion boards (e.g. Cre8asite, WebmasterWorld, DigitalPoint, etc.) without, well, having to read them, this blog is your first stop.

Search Engine Watch - This blog is definitely one of the oldest and most respected sources for search engine news. It’s a bit drier than the others; good for information, bad for personality, but still useful if all you’re interested in are the facts.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog - Rand Fishkin and co. provide some great information. Be sure not to miss their whiteboard fridays.


úterý 13. ledna 2009

TOP SEO - Proven SEO Tactics

Proven SEO Tactics: How to Start Getting Up to 5,000 Visitors Daily

When SEO is mentioned, many times a listener's eyes will start to glaze over. They think search engine optimization (SEO) is complicated geek speak. But it’s really not. SEO is fairly straightforward and there are proven tactics that can pretty easily start bringing in up to 5,000 visitors a day.

Search engine optimization is all about getting your site to rank well in search engines like Google. Conventional SEO wisdom is that if you’re on the first three pages of results returned, you’re ranking pretty high. But, how do you get there? Following are 8 proven SEO tips that can start to pave the way.

8 Proven SEO Tips that Drive Traffic – for Years to Come

1. Keyword-Driven SEO Articles: If content is king on the net, then SEO content is pure royalty. SEO articles contain keywords relevant to your niche. If you have a good amount of content on your site that uses the words that information seekers type in when they search the web, then your site will rank higher than one that doesn’t employ this strategy.

FYI, the words that information seekers type in when they search the web are called keywords. And, you want lots of content with lots of these on your site. Professional SEO copywriters provide this.

As an example, if you were looking for used cars in your city, you’d probably type in “used cars” and “Atlanta,” (if you lived in Atlanta). If you wanted your site to be on the first few pages of the search results, a professional SEO copywriter can write articles with those keywords sprinkled throughout to push your site to the top.

Some SEO articles that come to mind using these keywords: How to Buy Used Cars in Atlanta; Used Cars Good on Gas in Atlanta; Where to Find Cheap Used Cars in Atlanta; Used Cars in Atlanta: What to Look for in a Dealer; Used Cars in Atlanta Under $5,000.

2. Quality, Informative SEO Content: While keywords are important in content writing, it must be written to be informative and educational. Professional SEO copywriters know how to incorporate keyword phrases so that the content not only drives search engine traffic, but gives them something useful to read once they land on your site.

Look at it this way, if your content is stuffed with keywords – which will bring in traffic – but is unprofessional, uninteresting, not informative and barely readable, how likely do you think visitors will be to return to your site?

You have to draw visitors to your site. Keywords do this. But to keep them coming back – which is what it takes to eventually make sales – you must give them what they want: ie, helpful, informative content.

How a Professional SEO Copywriter Can Help You Get More Traffic – and Increase Sales
This starts with knowing how to write eye-catching titles, which topics generate the most interest, how to write content that will be relevant five years from now, how to use “hot” news topics and make them relevant to your niche, etc. Professional SEO copywriters know how to do all of this.

SEO copywriting is about more than knowing how to spread keywords throughout a 300-500 word article. It’s about keeping the surfer (the potential customer) in mind and catering to their needs first.
New Media Words’ SEO copywriters always adhere to this internet marketing axiom.

3. Write Your Site’s Meta Tags: Some search engine optimization experts have theorized that if you fill in your meta tags, you’ve gained a 25% advantage over other sites already. Why is this? Because most sites don’t have their meta tags filled in.

Get an answer to the question, "What are meta tags?" Meta tags describe your site, and there are quite a few of them. The most popular ones though that every site should have filled in are the Title, Keyword and Description tags.

Some have very long descriptions, keywords and keyword phrases; others have short ones. Which one is correct? At New Media Words, we focus on the most popular, appropriate phrases for your site. Some will have more, others will have less. It all depends on the niche.


neděle 11. ledna 2009

Search Engines

I. How search engines work

Search engines are based on computer programs that explore the Net in search of webpages. They do this by using so-called "spiders," "crawlers," or "robots".
any human surfer, the robots are able to follow the links present on webpages. When finding a new webpage, they copy all or parts of the text present on the page into their search engine database.
Other spiders revisit these pages on a regular interval in order to register changes or dead links. The interval varies greatly from search engine to search engine and from site to site.

II. Ranking algorithm

The search engine will have billions of webpages in its database. In order to deliver relevant results, the search engine companies have developed special ranking algorithms that calculate the order of search query results.
By a search query we mean the keyword or keyword phrase the visitor enters into the search form of the search engine.
A special program analyzes the search query, and then searches the database for pages that contain this keyword or keyword phrase.
Next it analyzes every single one of the relevant pages in order to determine how important that phrase is on that page. The pages the search engine find most relevant will be listed first.
For instance, if you are searching for "Albert Einstein," and the search engine finds a main headline on that page containing the phrase "Albert Einstein," it will guess that this page is fairly relevant to your needs. If, on the other hand, it finds the phrase only once, buried in a long text, it will reckon it is less relevant.

III. Getting search engine points

The search engine gives each and every page points based on how often and where it finds the keyword phrase (the keyword location). Some locations give more points than others, the exact factor varying from search engine to search engine.
Search engines also take other factors into consideration, including link popularity. We will come back to that.
One very important part of search engine marketing is to know where to put the relevant keyword phrases in your webpages.

IV. Designing webpages for search engines

The search engine does not "see" the webpage the way we see it; it reads only the text-based code behind it. This is will help you to have an elementary insight into HTML, the coding language used to produce webpages. If you do not know any HTML, you could for instance read through one of the beginner's guides to HTML.
If you do not have the patience for this, by all means read on -- we will help you understand. Keep in mind, though, that an HTML file is a plain text file that contains the text you can read on a web page, as well as information on how the web browser is to format it. We are going to look at the elements of this text file.

V. On search directories

This guide is about search engines only. There are also so-called "search directories" produced by human beings that visit and consider websites for inclusion. The most important ones are the Yahoo! Directory and The Open Directory. In order to get listed in these, you have to use entirely different techniques.
See our article on "Preparing your site for the search directories") for more information.

SEO blogs

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