Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
10. Avinash Kaushik
What can a mechanical engineer with an MBA do for online marketing? Apparently a lot!
Google analytics transformed the way online business is done and Avinash was instrumental in that transformation. Rand Fishkin another top 10 marketer of 2008 notes:
“Avinash has made marketers across the web more responsible and more informed when it comes to measuring their successes and failures. Through his book, blog and evangelizing, he reaches tens of thousands of companies and websites that can take truly actionable intelligence from his advice.”
As a thought leader Avinash puts a common sense around the often frenetic world of web research and analytics. That combined with the philosophy of investing in talented Analysts is the key to long-term success. He is also a staunch advocate of listening to the consumer, and is committed to helping organizations unlock the value of web data.
Avinash Kaushik is the author of critically acclaimed book Web Analytics: An Hour A Day. He is the co-founder of Market Motive Inc and the Analytics Evangelist for Google.
Avinash works with some of the largest companies in the world to help them evolve their online marketing and analytics strategies arming them with the tools to become data driven and customer centric organizations. He is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences across the US and Europe, such as eMetrics, Ad-Tech, iCitizen, and SES.
You'll find Avinash's web analytics blog, Occam's Razor .
You can also follow Avinash on Twitter
9. Darren Rowse
If you blog, then you must know Darren Rowse. He is the guy behind Problogger, the largest blog dedicated to blogging and monetizing blogs. Darren started blogging in 2002, and went full time at blogging in 2004.
Just how popular Problogger? When Darren reported that he saw a drastic increase in his subscribers count by using pop-ups, many “top marketers” and bloggers started implementing pop-ups on their blogs!
During 2008, Darren continued the transformation of Problogger from a typical blog about blogging into a full online portal for all bloggers. More recently, Darren started Twitip a program that provides its subscribers with useful twitter tips.
Follow Darren on Twitter
8. Jackie Huba
As a speaker and a business advisor, Jackie has worked with thousands businesses at association conferences such as Microsoft, Ulta, Discovery Education, Yahoo and Verio.
In 2008, Jackie and Ben McConnell founded the Society for Word of Mouth (SOWM), a free social network for the true believers of word of mouth (or the merely curious). The “society” aims to provide a premium educational resource for making word of mouth fundamental to the DNA of any organization. Jackie’s evangelism of citizen marketing and her efforts in creating SOWM won her our top woman marketer of year.
Follow Jackie on Twitter
7. Aaron Wall
There are tens of thousands of search engine optimization specialists out there. Aaron Wall joined the industry in 2003, perhaps a latecomer to the field. Yet, during the last 5 years, he left his mark on the industry. Aaron’s first major accomplishment was publishing the SEOBook. And while there are many books that cover the topic, Aaron kept his book current by updating it over 70 different times in a span of 3 years. The book won the praise of both industry experts as well university professors.
In early 2008, Aaron took a drastic change by turning his SEO book into a full online community that offers over 100 online training modules, tutorial videos, custom SEO spreadsheets, exclusive tools, and a community support forum. True, there are many SEO forums, however many of them are riddled with wrong or inaccurate information. And many top SEO professionals no longer spend time on forums. That is not the case with the SEO book community forum. The caliber and quantity of top SEO experts who are ready to answer any question sets the forum apart. Let alone the personal effort Aaron invests ensuring that no question goes unanswered.
Aaron continues to post regularly on his blog which is one of the most popular SEO blogs. He usually focuses on providing online marketing strategy tips and answering various SEO related questions. You can also download a variety of powerful seo tools that he makes available free to the public.
Visit the seo training program.
Follow Aaron on Twitter
6. Pete Cashmore
In 2005, Pete Cashmore, a web technology consultant, founded Mashable. Mashable focuses on up-to-the-minute news on social networks and new websites, internet start-ups, etc. Over the last 3 years, Mashable rapidly grew to one of the top 10 blogs in the world according to Technorati.
While some might describe Pete as a Tech blogger, he is a lot more than that. Mashable is yet another example of how news and technology blogs play a critical role in helping web companies push their messages online. The site's writers have been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post and hundreds of technology publications.
Pete was selected as a Top 25 Forbes Web Celeb in 2007, while Mashable was chosen as a must-read site by both Fast Company and PC Magazine. In mid 2007, BusinessWeek featured Mashable as one of the world's most profitable blogs.
Follow Pete on Twitter.
5. Rand Fishkin
The second SEO expert to make our top 10 list is Rand Fishkin. Rand is the CEO of SEOmoz which he founded in 2002. Over the last four years, he has been able to grow SEOmoz to one of the most visible companies in the search marketing world.
Rand and his team at SEOmoz are always thinking outside of the box to bring innovative and attractive services, content and ideas to their users. Rand’s Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization is most concise introduction to SEO for any beginner. As an SEO services firm, SEOmoz has been able to deliver great value for its client. And the company’s blog is one of the most popular blogs in the industry.
In September of 2007, Rand accepted a 1.1 million dollar in private investment in SEOMoz. Since then, SEOmoz has grown even more. In October of this year, Rand announced the release of the Linkscape Tool which provides: “online access to the link data provided by our web index, including ordered, searchable lists of links for sites and pages, and metrics to help judge their value.”
While some hate the idea of Linkscape, Danny Sullivan said:
“Personally, I'm not too worried. You want to compete with me and get links in places where I'm listed? We get listed in places where editorial rules. So just knowing where we're at doesn't get you in the door -- you have to be good enough to walk in. And if you are good enough, well, good I guess.”
Aaron Wall provided an evenhanded analysis of Linkscape.
During 2008, SEOmoz grew into one of the largest and most successful online communities for SEO professionals, proof that the private investment was indeed a wise decision. Expect to see a lot more from Rand and his team in 2009.
Follow Rand on Twitter
4. Michael Arrington
Michael is corporate attorney, entrepreneur and editor of the influential TechCrunch blog.
Officially, TechCrunch is dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new Internet products and companies. But TechCrunch does a lot more than profiling, it has actually helped many startups finally find a breakthrough by providing them with the exposure they need in their early stage. At the helm of it is Michael Arrington. Forbes puts it best:
“Who do savvy investors and tech-business cognoscenti turn to for help finding the next big thing? The site obsessively profiles and reviews new Internet products and companies--a mere mention can make or break a start-up, and a positive review of a service can translate to overnight success.”
Michael might disagree to be dubbed as an online marketer (and you don’t want to get on Michael’s bad side ;), but in many online marketers opinions, he represents the ultimate new generation of marketers: Those who market companies online without ever taking on the official role of a “marketer.”
Follow Michael on Twitter
3. Brian Clark
If you are sick of practicing law, what should you do? How about start one of the most successful and influential online blogs. Brian Clark founded Copyblogger in 2006 and grew the blog readership to 45,000 members during the last 2 years.
Brian’s formula to growing his blog:
“by applying copywriting techniques to blogging, I accomplished two things. One, I created my own little unique niche by bringing a new approach to both copywriting and blogging, and two, I got a bunch of generous bloggers as readers who helped spread the word. I owe it all to them.”
To understand the influence of Brian Clark, consider the most successful programs he released in 2008. His Teaching Sells program opened its doors for a short period of time before closing membership. The program has influenced many other marketers to switch from an ebook format to offering a community based teaching programs.
Follow Brian on Twitter
2. Guy Kawasaki
From writing one of the most popular blogs online, to creating Alltop, to his heavy use of Twitter, authoring several top selling books that are must reads; Guy is a unique entrepreneur, thought leader and a top marketer of 2008.
Guy was born in Hawaii in 1954. He finished his undergraduate degree from Stanford University in 1976 with a major in psychology which according to Guy was: “the easiest major I could find.”
He then moved on to complete the MBA program at UCLA and ends up working at Apple. Guy describes the experience:
“When I saw what a Macintosh could do, the clouds parted and the angels started singing. For four years I evangelized Macintosh to software and hardware developers and led the charge against worldwide domination by IBM. I also met my wife Beth at Apple during this timeframe-Apple has been very good to me. Around 1987, my job with Apple was done. Macintosh had plenty of software by then, so I left to start a Macintosh database company called ACIUS. It published a product called 4th Dimension. I did this for two years and then left to pursue my bliss of writing, speaking, and consulting.”
Guy is a founding partner of Garage, a seed and early stage venture capital fund. He is also the co-founder of the increasingly popular Alltop, an online magazine rack” of popular topics; the success of which is attributed to social networks tools such as Twitter.
Guy’s must-read books include:
The Art of the Start,
Rules for Revolutionaries,
Selling the Dream,
How to Drive Your Competition Crazy,
The Macintosh Way,
Reality Check
Follow Guy on Twitter
1. Online Marketer of the Year: Chris Hughes
The historic victory of president elect Barak Obama is the largest event of 2008, and perhaps the century. Mr. Obama ran a successful campaign that relied on connecting with normal people by any means possible. The campaign relied heavily on social media outlets to reach out to potential voters, increase their knowledge of Mr. Obama and rally their votes. Chris Hughes was at the heart of that campaign.
Chris is one of the youngest on our top 100 list. He was born in November 26, 1983. Yet his list of accomplishments is large. Chris has not only led one of the most historic campaigns in our lifetime, but is the co-founder of Facebook.
Chris took his intimate knowledge of social media to create, The Obama’s campaign's official online social networking website. The Guardian discusses Mr. Obama’s online strategy:
“Obama's campaign team is everywhere online: YouTube, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter and Facebook, whose co-founder Chris Hughes worked for the campaign from early last year. They mobilised supporters and organised communities, registering 1.5 million volunteers through and raising $600m from 3 million people. Obama's campaign also built a consensual database of 3m mobile numbers by promising that in return, supporters would get campaign news before the media. And so they did almost immediately with the announcement of Joe Biden as vice-presidential candidate. "
It was a masterclass in political campaigning - a high water mark," says Mark Flanagan, head of strategic communications for No 10. "They have built on the lessons from Howard Dean, and let people build their own networks. was inspired." Obama even managed to pull off intimate discussions with major donors over dinner, posted to the campaign's YouTube account. "He's just a fantastic political communicator. There's no sense of artifice - just a melding of the candidate and the human being," says Flanagan.”
There is no question that Chris was instrumental in building the online support for the campaign, however some wondered what would happen to the online social movement and tools created as a result. Chris answered this in his last post:
“In the coming days and weeks, there will be a great deal more information about where this community will head. For the moment, let's celebrate this victory and know that the community we've built together is just the beginning.”
You can read some of Chris’s writing on his blog, he has not updated his blog since the election of the President Elect.
100 to 50 Most Influential Online Marketers of the Year
49 to 11 Most Influential Online Marketers of the Year
Google’s Martin Splitt Warns Against Redirecting 404s To Homepage via
@sejournal, @MattGSouthern
Google advises against redirecting all 404 pages to the homepage,
recommending proper redirects or maintaining 404 status codes.
The post Google’s Martin...
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