1) Problogger
URL: http://www.problogger.net/
Helping bloggers earn money, Darren Rowse offers blog tips, SEO know-how, and news for the professional and hobby blogger.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 9 SEO Plugins Every Wordpress Blog Should Have
2) Daily Blog Tips
URL: http://dailyblogtips.com/
Improve your blog with Daily Blog Tips, a fast-paced blog featuring articles on blog design, SEO, promotion, monetization and more.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 50 Simple Ways to Gain RSS Subscribers
3) Scobleizer
URL: http://scobleizer.com/
Self-proclaimed geek Robert Scoble writes about SEO, the technology industry and especially Silicon Valley's Web, consumer electronics, computer, and other high tech companies.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Scoble Top Tech Blogger/FriendFeed/Social Media List
4) CopyBlogger
URL: http://copyblogger.com/
Brian Clark offers copywriting tips for effective blogging and online marketing in his popular blog, CopyBlogger.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: How to Change the World Using Social Media
5) Search Engine Land
URL: http://searchengineguide.com/
Danny Sullivan and his team bring you the latest on search engines and the search marketing industry.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Google Confirms RSS For Web Search Results
6) Matt Cutts
URL: http://mattcutts.com/blog
Google’s famous engineer and search spam fighter provides his own inside insight into the world of SEO in his popular personal blog.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Improved SEO documentation galore!
7) Pronet Advertising
URL: http://pronetadvertising.com/
Pronet Advertising is a weblog about Neil Patel's personal experiences in the world of online marketing.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: StumbleUpon: The Antithesis of Google?
8) Online Marketing Blog
URL: http://toprankblog.com/
Online Marketing Blog offers digital marketing and public relations articles, resources and interviews on topics ranging from search marketing to social media to online public relations.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: SEO Basics: Top 3 Tactics To Improve Search Engine Rankings
9) ShoeMoney
URL: http://www.shoemoney.com
ShoeMoney is named after the blog's owner, Jeremy Shoemaker, and offers his practical advice on how to make money online.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: SEO Has No Future
10) Search Engine Journal
URL: http://searchenginejournal.com/
Maintained by Loren Baker and team, Search Engine Journal provides comprehensive news on the search indsutry.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Huge Collection of Google Analytics Tips
11) SEOBook
URL: http://tools.seobook.com/
SEOBook is Aaron Wall’s popular blog, which as its name suggests, also offers his SEO book for sale.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Interview of Neil Patel, Social Media Marketing Legend
12) Marketing Pilgrim
URL: http://marketingpilgrim.com/
Andy Beal discusses news from the search engine industry, blogging, rss and other internet marketing in his blog, Marketing Pilgrim.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 8 Essential Free Social Media Monitoring Tools
13) Search Engine Roundtable
URL: http://seroundtable.com/
Barry Schwartz aka RustyBrick provides a comprehensive overview of the latest buzz in the search engine forums.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Poll Results: Google AdSense Publishers Discuss 2008 Earnings
14) Search Engine Watch
URL: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog
Search Engine Watch provides news and tips about SEM, SEO, and searching the Web, as well as analysis of the search industry, including the latest on Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Ask.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Google's New Tools for Site Link Strengthening
15) SEO Moz
URL: http://www.seomoz.org/blog
SEOmoz is a hub for the search marketing industry, providing an SEO Services Marketplace, a popular SEO Blog, SEO Tools and premium content.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet
16) Search Engine Guide
URL: http://searchengineguide.com/
The small business guide to search engine marketing, this blog feaures articles from the top names in the industry cover topics including SEO, PPC, SEM, blogging, social media, adsense, adwords, Google, Yahoo, MSN and Internet marketing.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Comprehensive Guide to Keyword Research, Selection & Organization
17) John Battelle's Search Blog
URL: http://battellemedia.com/
John Battelle, author of The Search, provides his commentary on search, media, and technology.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Google SearchWiki
18) SEO Chat
URL: http://www.seochat.com/
SEO Chat is dedicated to helping business owners and marketing specialists perform SEO on their sites.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: A New Trend for Google
19) Influential Marketing Blog
URL: http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com/
Rohit Bhargava, VP of Interactive Marketing for Ogilvy Public Relations, provides unique insight into marketing online.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: How To Launch A Successful Blog In The First 90 Days
20) BlogStorm
URL: http://blogstorm.co.uk/
Popular UK blogger Patrick Altoft offers an abundance of tips on Internet marketing and SEO.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: How I use URL Search to get thousands of visitors
21) GrokDotCom
URL: http://grokdotcom.com/
GrokDotCom, written from a self-proclaimed "Martian perspective", is a blog that covers topics including web design, marketing, copywriting, usability, SEO, relationship marketing and consumer psychology, and much more.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 14 Tools to Legally Spy On Your Competition
22) Graywolf SEO Blog
URL: http://www.wolf-howl.com/
Michael Gray blogs about social media and offers insight into the world of grayhat SEO.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Hey Matt Cutts Be Fair if You Are Going After Paid Links
23) Jim Boykin
URL: http://www.jimboykin.com/
Jim Boykin, CEO of an Internet Marketing and SEM company, offers Internet marketing and SEO advice and thoughts.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: What if a Human Reviewer Looked at your Backlinks?
24) Half Again
URL: http://halfagain.com/
Half Again addresses traffic building, content creation, search engine optimization, website development and most importantly, revenue generation.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: What’s my name, #$%&*?
25) Garry Conn
URL: http://www.garryconn.com/
A personal blog by Garry Conn, he provides tips on search engine ranking, making money online, search engine marketing, blog tips, Internet marketing, search engine optimization, WordPress, blogging, social bookmarking and networking and more.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Day After John Chow Lost To Google…
26) Niche Marketing
URL: http://andybeard.eu/
Andy Beard's Niche Marketing provides advice on search engine performance, Wordpress, niche marketing, affiliate marketing tips, and social media with "original opinion and loads of attitude."
Top 2008 SEO blog post: So What Have I Done Wrong Now Google?
27) SEO by the Sea
URL: http://seobythesea.com/
Bill Slawski muses on the inner workings of search engines, probes related patents and passes on other news of interest to webmasters.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Yahoo Replaces PageRank Assumptions with User Data
28) Small Business SEM
URL: http://www.smallbusinesssem.com/
In this blog, author Matt McGee offers insight about search engine marketing for the smaller businesses out there.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The SEO Success Pyramid
29) Sugarrae
URL: http://www.sugarrae.com/
At Sugarrae, you can get information on all things related to SEO, affiliate marketing, monetization and internet marketing.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Lazy SEO vs. The Lazy Monetizer
30) Conversation Marketing
URL: http://www.conversationmarketing.com/
Conversation marketing is exactly what its title suggests - an Internet marketing blog with " a little common sense, and a lot of ranting and raving."
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 10 SEO and Marketing-Friendly Title Tag Formulas
31) DaveN
URL: http://davidnaylor.co.uk/
David Naylor, more commonly known as DaveN, started working in the SEO industry over 8 years ago and never looked back. This blog is his account of his experience.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Natural Link Building Top 20 Tips
32) Inside the Marketers Studio
URL: http://www.marketersstudio.com/
Inside the Marketers Studio is the blog by interactive marketing speaker, strategist, columnist, and marketer David Berkowitz.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Blog Search Stuck in Beta
33) Phoenixrealm
URL: http://www.phoenixrealm.com/
Phoenixrealm SEO Blog contains up to date SEO and Web Design news, as well as unique, informative SEO articles and tips that are mainly targeted at the beginner to intermediate SEO level.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: How To Tackle The Duplicate Content Problem
34) Stuntdubl
URL: http://www.stuntdubl.com/
All around SEO guru and independent consultant Todd Malicoat’s blog about SEO, social media and the business of search marketing.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Your Brand Size Matters with Big Site SEO - Why Big is the new Blackhat - Intent, Extent, and Semantics
35) BlueHatSEO
URL: http://www.bluehatseo.com/
The Law of Diminishing Values is one of the reasons why BlueHatSEO is one of the only SEO blogs that has all dofollow comments as well as top commentators providing industry insight.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Open Questions #4 - Diminishing Values On Outbound Links
36) Search Marketing Gurus
URL: http://www.searchmarketinggurus.com/
Learn about search marketing from industry experts at Search Marketing Gurus, with coverage of SEO, paid marketing, email marketing, rss feeds, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing and much more.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Barack Obama The First Social Media President?
37) Search-This
URL: http://www.search-this.com/
Search-This was created to provide information on: SEO along with website design, development, website promotion and Internet marketing strategies.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Thinking Outside The SEO Box
38) Traffick
URL: http://www.traffick.com/
Traffick is Andrew Goodman's enlightened search engine analysis in a handy blog format.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: "Everyone" Can't Do It For Ya: Finding Your Tribe
39) aimClear
URL: http://www.aimclearblog.com/
aimClear is a search marketing blog for in-house, agency, advertising and PR professionals.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: SEO, Colored Hats & The Pollyanna Pissing Match
40) Johnon
URL: http://www.johnon.com/
Johnon.com is John Adnrews' personal blog about SEO, internet marketing, and the tragic comedy of the competitive web.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: “Just Make Good Content” is Bullsh*t
41) Pandia Search Engine News
URL: http://pandia.com/sew
Pandia Search Engine News provides just what its title suggests - the latest news on search engines, Internet searching and search engine marketing.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: 5 basic tactics for improving your search engine rankings
42) Oilman
URL: http://www.oilman.ca/
Oilman is a Canadian geek's "random rambling thoughts" on SEO, SEM, and Web 2.0.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Shame Shame Shame Findlaw
43) SEO Refugee
URL: http://www.seorefugee.com/
Dedicated entirely to search engine optimization, SEO Refugee offers forums, a blog and periodic SEO cartoons its owner, James Cook.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Is SEO Blogging Worth It?
44) SEO Blackhat
URL: http://seoblackhat.com/
The popular SEO Blackhat blog covers blackhat SEO, linkbaiting, and link spamming.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Want to Abuse Google’s New “Hot or Not” Buttons”?
45) SEOpedia
URL: http://www.seopedia.org/
Visit SEOpedia, the largest Romanian SEM community, for fresh insight into the world of search.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: Google Sitelinks: The Ultimate FAQ
46) 10e20
URL: http://www.10e20.com/blog
10e20 is Chris Winfield's blog offering a unique perspective on SEO, social media marketing, design, programming and being successful in today’s new media world.
Top 2008 SEO blog post: The Ultimate Guide To Decoding Digg Speak