sobota 7. února 2009

10 SEO Tips (from

It is not hard to be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to getting search engine traffic because there is so much out of date information being circulated.

That is why it is always best to also learn many other traffic generation methods like viral marketing for example.

Not only is there out of date or invalid SEO advice getting around, there is also information which if acted upon, can result in your pages being banned.

The SEO tips below should assist the reader in forming a basic understanding of how to create human friendly web pages which are easily understood by the most popular search engines.

Top 25 SEO Blogs

Top 25 SEO Blogs

The Top 25 SEO Blogs list, instead, ranks the blogs according to their Google Pagerank, Alexa rank, number of Bloglines subscribers and Technorati authority. Each factor has a score from 0 to 10, and the maximum score for each blog is 40. Details about the algorithm can be found below the table.

SEO: How Online Marketing Works

Some people think that Google will send them a lot of traffic, and if only they had that traffic, they would make a lot of money. But it is usually the other way around. Search engines follow people! So rather than waiting for Google to roll out the red carpet for you, it is best to start making connections. SEO is an ongoing process.

Which means to capture lasting Google rankings, you have to be where the people are. Some connections can be bought, but only some limited number before the investment strategy grows risky. And established market players likely have a bigger budget, a higher customer value, and more cashflow than a person just starting out does. Outspending is a very expensive way to try to catch up.

čtvrtek 5. února 2009

SEO Tactics: How to Search Engine Optimize a sales page?

You know those one page sales pitches, with big fonts and a boat load of tempting offers to buy that product ?

Of course, we all hate them, the one page “too good to be true” offers, but it’s a fact that they are money makers in disguise. In fact, they make a lot of money for the owners that they are considered the best effective tool to sell anything on the internet.

SEO Tactics: "Borrowing" Content: How The Little Guy Can Fight Back

The problem: big publishers "borrowing" stories from smaller publishers, redrafting them, and republishing them. Because the bigger publisher has greater domain authority, "their" story achieves higher rank.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - I.

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:

•Review of your site content or structure
•Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
•Content development
•Management of online business development campaigns
•Keyword research
•SEO training
•Expertise in specific markets and geographies.

SEO blogs

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